Celtic Renewables’ has the Perfect Supply/Demand Dynamic. Both are Unlimited!

Industry: Green Chemicals from Byproducts   
Location: Edinburgh, Scotland

Celtic Renewables is making green chemicals from low-value waste products. With the world going green and consumers demanding products with less environmental impact, demand seems set to soar. But, can the supply keep up? And, will the cost of raw materials needed to make green chemicals increase to the point where it disrupts the model?

In this episode of The Angel Nest, David talks with CEO Mark Simmers and early investor Mark Bamforth about how they plan to scale this highly innovative solution. 

We also welcome Mike Hogg from 3rBioRecovery, Ltd. Mike’s company is in charge of supplying that raw material for Celtic Renewables. 

Learn about Celtic Renewables at www.celtic-renewables.com.

Key Contacts

Mark Simmers, Celtic Renewables

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